Karst Trail Association of Kaltbrunnental-Brislachallmet

The Kaltbrunnen Valley-Brislachallmet Karst Trail is a politically and religiously neutral association within the meaning of Art. 60 ff. ZGB registered in Zwingen.

The purpose of the association is the creation, operation, maintenance and possible restoration of a karst nature trail in the Kaltbrunnen Valley-Brislachallmet area.        

To pursue this purpose, the association holds an annual general meeting and accepts contributions from its members.

Membership Fees: Private person - CHF 20.00 per year. Legal person and association/public corporation - CHF 50.00 per year.

Raiffeisenbank Laufen-Thierstein 4242 Laufen
CH88 8080 8002 0329 1705 1

Karstlehrpfad Kaltbrunnental

PC 40-12286-8     

pay-in slip                              

Donations are used to support this enterprise and ensure its maintenance. Donations of all kinds are gladly accepted.

Any individual or legal entity with an interest in the purpose of the association can become an active member with voting rights.

Applications for admission must be addressed to the President:

Herrn Rolf Zimmerli
Präsident Verein Karstlehrpfad
Weiherweg 16
4242 Laufen


Statuten Verein Karstlehrpfad : Statuten PDF